Standing advisory council for religious education (SACRE)
The Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) is a statutory body that oversees the delivery of Religious Education (RE) and collective workshop in the country. Full information on SACRE, including the roles and responsibilities, constitution, minutes of meetings, annual reports and contact details can be found on the SACRE Democratic Services page
All schools were sent the details for accessing the New Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022-27 in November of 2022. Please check with your administration for the link that was sent. If you are unable to find the link please request it from the RE Consultant for Kent by emailing
School Website Monitoring guidance is available .
You can also download a Diversity of Religion and Belief Guidance and Resources Pack for Primary Schools in England and Wales.
Further information is available.
RE Coordinators Network Meetings

Kent SACRE are providing some local network meetings for RE Coordinators.
Future meetings will be announced soon.
If you have any questions about RE in Kent please contact
RE Teaching Resources

Films for Schools
Kent SACRE have arranged for the production of some educational films of children discussing their faiths and experiences in Kent. These films are available for teachers to use in the classroom setting.
If you are a teacher and would like access to the films, please get in touch with the RE Consultant for Kent, Penny Smith-Orr by emailing
Other Learning Resources for Classrooms
The following learning resources are publicly available:
- Empowering Voices - podcasts with bespoke education packs designed to assist the teacher in the classroom.
- Diverse Faith Religious Education: Real People, Real Faith - a series of interviews filmed featuring local faith communities answering questions about their faith, specific to each key stage. Each film has a page of notes outlining the key questions and concepts, with a brief summary of the answers and some suggested follow-on activities.
Kent SACRE April newsletter 2023

Please find the latest edition of the Kent SACRE newsletter (PDF, 221.1 KB) and share with your colleagues in RE.
Kent SACRE annual report 2023-24

It is a legal requirement that the SACRE publish an Annual Report to inform relevant parties, including schools, of the advice that SACRE has given to the Local Authority and of the actions taken to support RE and Collective Worship in schools using the Agreed Syllabus.
This report covers the work of the Kent SACRE during the academic year from September 2023 to August 2024.
Widening Inclusivity in RE - The WIRE Award

The WIRE award is a SACRE-led project which seeks to encourage all Kent schools to be increasingly proactive with their RE, to widen their doors and become more inclusive. The award:
- works on an annual basis
- requires schools to complete four simple elements
- is free to schools
- supports British Values.
We want all schools to feel they can apply for and achieve this award. All schools should be able to achieve the award and receive a certificate confirming their commitment to ‘Widening Inclusivity in RE’.
Find out more in the WIRE award leaflet (DOCX, 574.0 KB).
Non-Statutory Guidance for the
Kent Agreed Syllabus

- Learning Across the Curriculum (PDF, 198.3 KB)
- Learning and Teaching (PDF, 177.0 KB)
- Subject Leader Guidance (PDF, 251.3 KB)
- Visits and Visitors to R (PDF, 97.2 KB)
- Glossary of Terms (PDF, 156.8 KB)
- Gathering Together (PDF, 392.3 KB)