Outdoor Education training
The Outdoor Education Unit Training Service was developed to provide high quality CPD and INSET training for teachers, youth workers and other staff working with young people in all aspects of educational visits and Outdoor Learning.
We provide a wide range of courses which help staff feel more confident developing Outdoor Learning activities that link to their teaching and the curriculum, and in planning and leading educational visits in a wide range of environments.
We also provide bespoke and flexible training packages to suit individual schools
- Bespoke Twlight and INSET sessions
- Bespoke skills training for teaching staff
- Accredited training for staff including - First Aid, Water Safety Management, Campfire Management and Camping skills.
Click this link to download our 2015/16 Outdoor Learning Professional Development Training brochure.
Teacher Training Event

Inspirational Outdoor Learning - a practical workshop training event for teachers in East Kent.
Please book your place - www.kentcpdonline.org.uk
Contact the Outdoor Education Unit for more information - 03000 410 901 or outdoor.education@kent.gov.uk
Download a pdf copy of the flyer here
Inspirational Outdoor Learning Event

Samphire Hoe Visitors Centre - 28th April 2016
Programme –
9:00am | Arrival, coffee, browse stalls and networking |
9:30am | Welcome and introduction – KCC’s Outdoor Education Advisor - School and local area-based Outdoor Learning case studies examples. |
9:50am | Info Bite session 1 – White Cliffs Countryside Partnership - Using the local educational resources of the White Cliffs Country Park and Samphire Hoe to support curriculum learning. |
10:10am | Practical Workshop 1 |
11:00am | Break, coffee, browse stalls and networking |
11:30pm | Info Bite session 2 – Future Creative - an introduction to the new ‘Schools Out’ resources from the Up on the Downs project supporting creative learning in the North Downs and Dover area. |
11:45am | Practical Workshop 2 |
12:35pm | Lunch (Buffet), browse stalls and networking |
1:15pm | Info Bite session 3 – The Bay Trust - An introduction to the John Muir Award environmental award scheme, and how it can support personal pupil’s development and learning. |
1:30pm | Practical Workshop 3 |
2:20pm | Practical Workshop 4 |
3:10pm | Conference Round Up, Evaluation, Q&A |
3:30pm | Event finishes |
Lunch and refreshments are provided, including vegetarian options. Please let us know of any other dietary requirements.
NB: Clothing and Footwear – please come dressed appropriately for the weather conditions (warm or wet!), with the majority of the day spent outside. Trainers and comfortable clothing recommended for the climbing wall activity.
Practical workshops to choose from –
Delegates will have the opportunity to take part in four 45 minute practical workshops of their choice from the list below. Sign up for these will be on arrival.
- ‘Maximising Outdoor Learning’ – a practical workshop looking at how using maps and map work skills can under-pin and support a wide range of cross-curriculum subject areas including literacy, maths, geography and history. Led by - Niall Leyden KCC’s Outdoor Education Advisor. Niall works across the majority of Kent’s schools and youth groups, and provides support with developing and integrating Outdoor Learning into their curriculum along with practical safety management of school visits and activities. http://www.kelsi.org.uk/Curriculum/outdoor-education
- ‘Mad about Minibeasts’– practical and effective use of local coastal and beach resources for science, geography and history using the magical landscape of Samphire Hoe nature reserve. Led by – Paul Holt lead ranger at White Cliffs Countryside Partnership. Paul is based at Samphire Hoe nature reserve, and will use his wealth of local knowledge and experience to help school and community engage with the fantastic White Cliffs coastal landscape. http://www.whitecliffscountryside.org.uk/index.php?id_sec=97&id_sub=97
- ‘Connecting to the Landscape’ – a practical workshop looking at using kites, drones and digital photography to explore the local landscapes, linking with a range curriculum learning and personal development for young people. Led by –Tim Owens from the Up on the Downs Project. Tim is a local youth worker and outdoor educator, and has developed kite and drone use as an inspirational tool for connecting children and young people with their local landscapes. http://www.uponthedowns.org.uk/Home.aspx
- ‘Getting the most out of the John Muir Award’- a practical introduction to the John Muir Award environmental award scheme, and how it can support schools and young people’s learning and development. Led by - The Bay Trust (Rippledown Environmental Centre). The Bay Trust are a charity who provide a wide range of educational facilities and programmes that help people work towards a healthy, sustainable way of living. They provide the John Muir Award to local schools and youth groups. http://baytrust.org.uk/
- ‘Creativity Outdoors’ – a practical workshop looking at how to use local outdoor environments to support art, design and creativity learning outdoors. Led by – Fay Rey from Future Creative. Future Creative are asocial enterprise organisation which provides creative learning, professional development and community engagement programmes in the education, cultural, public and youth sectors. http://www.future-creative.org/
- ‘ Light my Fire’ - a practical workshop exploring how fire lighting and forest school activities can support pupils learning and development, as well as provide inspiration, creativity and fun.
Led by –Julie Thompsett fromKent Wildlife Trust. KWT are a charity dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild habitats for everyone to enjoy, and providing educational experiences and programmes to schools and community groups. http://www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk/
- ‘Climbing Higher’– a (very) practical introduction into using basic climbing activities to promote and develop maths and literacy; including trying the activities out on a mobile climbing wall. (trainers and comfortable clothing recommended). Led by – Paul Oxberry from CREED Outdoor Learning. CREED are a local East Kent CIC who provide Outdoor Educational and adventurous activities, team building, problem solving and personal development courses to schools and youth groups. http://creed-outdoorlearning.co.uk/
- ‘Developing Outdoor Learning at School’ – a workshop and discussion on designing and developing school grounds for outdoor learning, with the opportunity to look at other schools ideas and plans, and ask questions about your school grounds.
Led by - Andrew Lamb from The Outdoor Learning Group. Andrew is a local ex-headteacher with expertise in both developing and using outdoor learning to support the mainstream primary curriculum and pupils with special educational needs. http://www.inspirelearning.co.uk/
- The Learning Away Project – ‘Brilliant’ Residentials’ – a workshop on how to build on the Learning Away Project research project to help you to design and plan higher quality residential experiences using local educational resources, to maximise learning impacts of pupils and add value – a case study by the Canterbury Academy. Led by – Domenic Meehan. Dom was responsible for leading the 5 year Learning Away project transformation of residential educational visits at Canterbury Academy as Assistant Principal. He also has extensive experience and understanding as a youth worker and outdoor educator, using outdoor learning to support vulnerable young people. http://learningaway.org.uk/