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How we use cookies on this website

We want to make our website and the online services we provide, useful and reliable. This sometimes involves placing small amounts of information called cookies on your computer, mobile phone or other device used to access the internet.

Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, enabling you to use services you have specifically asked for and remembering your preferences. They also give website operators useful, non-personal information about how people use their website.  You can find more information about cookies at:All about Cookies and Your Online Choices Watch a video about cookies

We do not use cookies for the general running of this website.  However, we do use cookies to:

  • Enable services you have specifically asked for (such as paying for services)
  • Collect anonymous information on the pages visited using Google Analytics.  We use Google Analytics on all our websites.
  • Remember choices you make (such as signing in to your library account) or that improve your experience of the website (such as watching videos from YouTube or viewing news feeds from Facebook and Twitter)

By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device.

Our cookie audit (PDF, 35.7 KB) will show you all the different types of cookie we use on our website and explain what they are for. 

We do not use cookies on our main website that collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising relevant to you and your interests.

Third party cookies

We embed videos from YouTube and news feeds from other websites such as Facebook and Twitter to enhance the user experience of our websites. These third party websites place cookies on your device when watching or viewing these pages. Below are links to their cookie policies:

  • Google privacy policy for YouTube and all its websites
  • Facebook privacy policy
  • Twitter

Disabling cookies

You can stop cookies being downloaded on to your computer or other device by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. If you do this, however, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

There is more information about how to delete or stop using cookies on the About Cookies website. If you wish, you can also opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics.