Elective home education
Elective home education is the term used by the Department for Education to describe parents' decisions to provide education for their children at home instead of sending them to school. In view of the Raising of the Participation Age, this includes children 5 to 18. Please note that this is different to an Education Programme (previously known as 'Home Tuition' provided by the local authority or education provided by the local authority other than at a school.
Read our Elective Home Education Policy
Read the DfE's guidance on Elective Home Education
Reasons for elective home education

Parents may choose home education for a variety of reasons. The local authority's main interest is in the suitability of parents' education provision to ensure children have their rights to education met.
A large number of parents choose to home educate and have the time, resource and capability to do this very well. This group are not a concern to the LA and we would support families in making this choice if they believe it to be in the best interest of the child.
Sadly, often the decision has been made as a result of a dispute with the school. We would encourage the school or parent to contact the local authority for advice on resolving the issues in order that the child can remain, or return to school with support where this is the case. The following reasons for home educating are common, but this is by no means an exhaustive list:
- Distance or access to a local school
- Religious or cultural beliefs
- Philosophical or ideological views
- Dissatisfaction with the system
- Bullying
- Short term intervention for a particular reason
- Parents' desire for a closer relationship with their children
- Avoidance of Penalty Notice or exclusion.
If a parent is choosing to home educate for a negative reason, parents should be encouraged to contact the Elective Home Education Team (see below).
Information sheet and Form

For more information about Elective Home Education, read the Elective Home Education Information Sheet for parents and carers (PDF, 799.6 KB)
In line with the amendments to Pupil Registration Regulations (Sept 2016), if a parent has formally requested to home educate their child or children, please complete a Notification of a deletion from Admissions Register (previously known as the ‘off rolling’ notification) through the Digital Front Door. As part of this process you will asked to upload a copy of the parent’s letter stating their intention to home educate.
Please note that pupils can only be removed from the school roll when the school has received written confirmation from the parent of their intention to home educate. Pupils who have a Statement or an EHCP should not be off-rolled until authorisation has been given by the SEN team.
Contact Details

For enquiries contact Elective Home Education Team on 03000 41 69 69 or email educationathome@kent.gov.uk.