Annual conversations
Annual conversation visit

Delivered annually this 3-hour visit is centrally funded for Kent early years registered settings, as detailed in the Kent early years and childcare service delivery plan. An early years or out of school adviser will make contact with you to arrange the visit. The purpose of the visit is to explore and understand the settings approach to the monitoring of the quality of provision, to sample elements of the safeguarding and welfare requirements; and consider the settings place within the self-evaluation and improvement planning processes.
Feedback from annual conversations

Evaluations are encouraged from providers following an annual conversation so that we can review and where necessary make improvements to our service.
- 94% strongly agreed or agreed that the joint observation was helpful and focused on continuous improvement
- 99% strongly agreed or agreed that the adviser celebrated what the setting was doing well and agreed areas for continuous improvement
- 98% of settings agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied in the way the visit was carried out.
If you have not yet been contacted by an adviser to arrange an annual conversation please contact us at
Contact details

Early Years and Childcare Service
Telephone: 03301 65 11 11