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The rates below are the mileage reimbursement rates on the current Kent Scheme.

In all cases, the number of miles quoted is the number of business miles travelled and claimed in the tax year (April - March).  Mileage continues to accumulate, even if the car user type changes during the course of the year.  Commuting (travelling to and from work) cannot be claimed in most circumstance.  If your business miles start from home rather than your normal place of work, you should not claim miles up to the normal length of your commute as this would be considered a taxable benefit and is outside KCC policy.

Casual user mileage
pink line

The casual car mileage allowance is the standard reimbursement rate for employees using their own car for business purposes and is set out below for employees on the Kent scheme.

  • up to 10,000 miles: 45p per mile
  • 10,001+ miles 25p per mile