Kent Scheme Pay (including TCP)
Annual Kent Scheme Pay Award

Please note, the annual pay award cannot be confirmed to Kent Schools until pay negotiations with KCC’s recognised Trade Unions and County Council discussions have concluded. This process is usually concluded mid to end of March. Communications will follow once the decision and communications have been confirmed.
Against a backdrop of financial pressures, County Council have agreed the Pay Award for 2024/2025, which will be distributed using Total Contribution Pay (TCP) with a percentage awarded for each assessment level. This means there is a requirement to make assessments following a review of Total Contribution. The usual TCP Rules are applicable with regards to pay progression and assessments.
The Kent Scheme pay bands have been increased by at least 1.35% and the minimum Kent Scheme pay rate rises to £12.10 per hour, which retains the Council’s position above both the National and Foundation Living Wage.
We were not able to reach agreement with our recognised Trade Unions on the overall pay award, as part of the local pay bargaining process.
See more details on the 2024 to 2025 Kent Scheme pay award.
Pay Progression for Kent School employees employed on Kent Scheme Terms and Conditions

Every school should have a pay policy explaining how pay progression operates for teaching and support staff. HR Connect has produced a model pay policy for schools which can be viewed by contacting The Local Authority expects that all Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools will use the model document as the basis of their Pay Policy.
The process by which support staff employed on Kent Scheme Conditions of Service are awarded pay progression is called ‘Total Contribution Pay’ (TCP). Kent schools are able to exercise local discretion regarding certain elements of the TCP process where the Governing body has made provision within their pay policy to do so. Please refer to the TCP Guidance for Schools (PDF, 279.7 KB) and TCP Schools Rules and Examples (PDF, 254.9 KB) for further details.
TCP, Pay and Allowances Documents

- TCP Guidance for Schools (PDF, 279.7 KB)
- TCP Rules and Examples (PDF, 254.9 KB)
- Kent Scheme newsletter from April 2024 (PDF, 146.1 KB)
- Kent Scheme Pay Scales from April 2024 (PDF, 14.8 KB)
- Kent Scheme Terms and Conditions of Employment
- Current Allowances for Schools 2024-25 (PDF, 102.3 KB)
- School Teachers' Pay and Conditions