Pensions re-enrolment
Re-enrolment of pensions - what is it all about?

Every three years Kent County Council must re-enrol their eligible staff who have left the pension scheme back into it. The next re-enrolment is Wednesday 1 June 2022. This government initiative is to ensure working people have an opportunity to contribute to a workplace pension scheme. KCC enrolled its eligible workers (which included staff in Maintained Schools) into a qualifying pension scheme, Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), Teachers Pension Scheme (TPS) or National Health Service Pension Scheme (NHS) in March 2013.
NB: Academies will need to make their own arrangements.
What is happening now?

KCC, which includes maintained schools, has set Wednesday 1 June 2022 as its Re-enrolment date and we will re-enrol all eligible job holders (see criteria below) into a pension scheme.
Those who do not want to join can choose to opt out but please read the information about the relevant pension scheme before you make that decision.
All KCC employees, including those in maintained schools, have the opportunity to belong to the TPS or LGPS (depending on their role). Both are very good pension schemes with plenty of benefits and more details can be found on the Teachers Pensions website or Kent Pension Fund website and remember your school pays towards your pension and the Government contributes in the form of tax relief too.
Why do KCC re-enrol?

Your school already contractually enrols employees into the TPS or LGPS. The TPS and LGPS Regulations define the pension schemes and contractual entry is already part of these Regulations. Re-enrolment is a legal requirement and enhances the regulations by ensuring that every three years employees are re-assessed and entered into a qualifying pension scheme if they meet the eligibility criteria.
"I'm in". Do I need to do anything?

If you are already in the TPS or LGPS then the re-enrolment rules will not affect you and nothing will change. The re-enrolment regulations only apply to you if you have opted out of one of the above schemes or have not elected to join when being given the opportunity to do so.
Which workers qualify?

Anyone aged over 22 and below the State pension age, who earns £10,000 or more a year on any contract they hold, must be re-enrolled if they are not already in a pension scheme.
A second group comprises of staff earning at least £10,000 per annum but who fall outside the age limits above, and those aged between 22 and the State pension age who earn less than £10,000 per annum but more than £6,032 a year. This group will not be re-enrolled but have the right to join a relevant pension scheme if they want to.
A third group comprises of anyone earning less than £6,032 a year who can also choose to join a relevant pension scheme.
Anyone over the age of 75 is not eligible to join a pension scheme.
Qualifying criteria:
- You earn over £192 per week, or £833 per month, £10,000 per annum
- You are aged 22 or over and
- You are under state pension age.
Will I get any warning?

Your school will be writing to you if you are affected, to advise you of how the re-enrolment regulations affect you.
What if I don't want to join?

Under the re-enrolment regulations you have to let the school know that you wish to opt out by completing an opt-out form which you can find on the TPS or LGPS websites (see below) and pass it to the School Office.
If you opt out within a month of being enrolled, any money deducted from your salary is refunded (less tax and NI contributions). If you opt out after three months, then the contributions remain invested on your behalf. Remember if you do choose not to join, we will have to repeat the re-enrolment process of signing you up, every 3 years, and you will have the chance to opt out each time.
Please Note: if you are in the 50/50 Section of the Local Government Pension Scheme you will be re-enrolled into the Main Section and will have to re-apply to go back into the 50/50 Section.
What if I have a Fixed or Enhanced Protection from HRMC?

Please read the guidance on the Pensions Regulator website
How do I access the opt out form?

Through the TPS or LGPS websites (see below).
Further information

Full details of the Teachers' Pension Scheme can be found on the Teachers' Pensions website
Full details of the Local Government Pension Scheme can be found on the Kent Pension Fund website
More information about auto enrollment and re-enrolment into a workplace pension can be found on the Government Workplace Pensions website
If you have any queries, please contact your Manager or Headteacher in the first instance.
Note to schools

- Pay roll providers have been notified that the KCC pensions re-enrolment date is Wednesday 1 June 2022
- Schools must provide data for the declaration of compliance to KCC HR Team at Schools must not submit a declaration of compliance form to the pensions regulator.
- A school information pack (DOC, 258.5 KB) with template letters is available.