Pathways for All Chair's update and news
- We are introducing a new circular, PfA The Edition, a bi-termly source of information on the sector, please see our pilot version here.
- On 3 December 2024, Pathways for All held a second successful Sector-wide Conversation at the University of Kent, Canterbury Campus. Welcoming back Kevin Gilmartin from The Association of School and College Leaders for a second keynote speech and introducing Sammy Wright, Head of Southmoor Academy in Sunderland to speak to delegates. Ensuring the smooth running of the day, Charlie Guthrie (Chair of Pathways for All) introduced a wealth of topics and speakers from Kent, sharing ideas and expertise and exploring future opportunities. Click here to see some photos from the event.
- The outcomes of the Review of Qualifications Reform at Level 3 in England – T Levels support for schools and colleges, please read on to hear what the PfA Chair, Charlie Guthrie, has shared in response:
- The rules of combination that meant a young person could only take once of the new Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) alongside two A levels has been abandoned. Education providers will be free to develop the curriculums they feel will meet their learners, needs.
- 157 of the qualifications that were to be defunded have been given a reprieve until the new replacement qualifications are available.
- The government remains committed to T- Levels.
Introduction from our Chair of Pathways for All (PfA) - Charlie Guthrie
Our mission is clear and concise: "No Young Person Left Behind." We are dedicated to ensuring that every young person in Kent has a variety of accessible, appropriate, and ambitious post-16 options. Our focus is particularly on supporting those who are most vulnerable, as we firmly believe that when we succeed in helping them, everyone benefits.
Our initiatives encompass several key areas, including support for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH), fostering collaboration between educational institutions and employers, and enhancing provision not only at Level 3 but, crucially, at Level 2 and below, with the aim of making these opportunities available across Kent and Medway.
In Kent alone, approximately 5,000 young people each year fail to achieve a standard pass in English and Maths and are often referred to as the ‘Forgotten Third.’ It is our commitment to ensure that they are no longer overlooked.
During our initial 18 months, our board has diligently assessed the primary challenges we face. As we transition into the next phase, we are striving to develop a comprehensive plan, incorporating successful models, that will gradually transform our combined vision into reality.
Undoubtedly, this endeavour is not easy. Securing funding is a formidable task, and the ongoing curriculum reform is causing widespread apprehension. Schools are grappling with significant issues such as SEMH, SEND, attendance, and behaviour, for which there are no easy solutions. Despite these daunting obstacles, the sector is mobilising to confront these challenges head-on.
Following our productive 'District Wide Conversation' in November, attended by over 130 leaders, local groups have been established in each area, each with a named representative. These groups have successfully secured funding and are currently planning their initial objectives. Encouragingly, we are already witnessing instances of effective collaboration, fostering a growing sense of unity and optimism within the sector. New partnerships are forming, and we are committed to championing bold and innovative opportunities.
As a board, we have been entrusted with a mandate from the sector, and it is our duty to fulfil it. With a compelling case, we have the potential to drive significant change. In the coming months, we will unveil our strategy for your input, share examples of ongoing initiatives, and witness the commencement of our collective efforts.
Recognising that organisations are at varying stages of engagement, some leading, others participating, and some offering support but uncertain of their role, our aim by the end of the summer is to garner endorsement from as many leaders and organisations as possible for this important work.
I am looking forward to collaborating with leaders from trusts, schools, colleges, training providers, employers, and a wide range of key stakeholders. I encourage you to stay tuned for future communications and to keep sharing your thoughts with us.
Kind regards
Charlie Guthrie, Chief Executive Officer, Endeavour MAT
Telephone: 01322 250285
On 12 December the government announced the outcomes of the Review of Qualifications Reform at Level 3 in England. The purpose of this is to give education providers certainty on what the qualifications landscape will look like until 2027, allowing them to plan their curriculums with confidence. The Curriculum and Assessment Review will be taking a view on qualifications in the longer term as part of its wider consideration of how we prepare all young people for life and work.
The main points of the announcement are:
The Pathways for All Strategic Board welcomes these outcomes as education providers will now be able to choose the qualifications they will offer for the next two years. Most importantly, the recommendations allow for pathways to be developed for all level 3 learners.
This aligns with the work of Pathways for All and fits with our strategic objective to ensure that all young people have ambitious, accessible and appropriate pathways to follow.
Future Strategic Board Meetings:
- 25 March 2025
- 15 May 2025
- June/July 2025 TBC