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The Strategic Board

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The establishment of a Strategic Board (16 to 19) was a key recommendation from the Kent 16 to 19 review.

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The Board will provide strategic leadership and facilitate collaboration between all partners in Kent, including working with schools, the further education sector, higher education providers, the business community and the Education Skills and Funding Agency, in order to progress an ambitious 16 to 19 agenda.

The Board will work to ensure that Kent prepares its young people for the challenges that they will face:

  • Keeping the perspective of the young person at the heart of the 16 to 19 system and ensuring young people’s meaningful involvement in its development
  • Providing leadership to ensure that the needs of young people are met by the 16 to 19 sector in Kent
  • Ensuring that the recommendations of the review, as they may evolve, are implemented
  • Driving collaboration across the sector to secure the best outcomes for young people
  • Ensuring maximum impact and sector engagement
  • Lobbying appropriate national and regional bodies for change when issues are identified.

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The Board remit extends to all aspects of education and training provision for young people in Kent aged 16 to 19.

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The Board will:

  • Lead on the development and implementation of the recommendations of the 16 to 19 review
  • Identify, prioritise and monitor workstreams leading to the development and subsequent maintenance of a live action plan for the county
  • Improve collaboration across the sector
  • Ensure that there is a clear understanding of the issues that face the post-16 sector in Kent
  • Support the delivery team to ensure the review meets its aims
  • Represent and promote the Board across the county to give it maximum visibility.

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Since the closure of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) in 2010, there has been no one central controlling or coordinating function with responsibility for post-16 provision. Whilst local authorities retain certain responsibilities - principally in relation to promoting participation in education and training post-16 and identifying and supporting those who are participating - an area’s post-16 offer is largely based on individual provider decisions on what they will offer.

The Board will therefore need to build on the spirit of collaboration and the consensus on the issues to be addressed that have been achieved through the review process in order to encourage change and to hold partners to account for the progress made.

The Board’s authority will therefore derive from its ability to create a shared moral purpose and persuade the sector to act, rather than from any formal powers conferred to it.

Strategic Board membership
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The Pathways for All Strategic Board will take forward the recommendations of the review, having strategic oversight of coordinating and developing 16+ provision throughout Kent. Board membership consists of representatives from the following organisations:

  • Chair - Kent based education leader
  • Kent Further Education
  • Higher Education
  • Kent Association of Leaders in Education (formerly Kent Association of Headteachers)
  • Kent and Medway Grammar Schools Association
  • Kent Special Educational Needs Trust
  • Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and Employers
  • Kent Association of Training Organisations
  • Federation of Small Businesses Kent
  • Kent County Council
  • Department for Education / The Education and Skills Funding Agency
  • Medway Council.

Please find the Strategic Board biographies (PDF, 2.1 MB) and Updated Strategic Board ToR, May 2024.

If you wish to become involved in the work of the Strategic Board, please reach out to your relevant association or organisation or email