A message from Matt Dunkley CBE:
13 October 2020 weekly update
13 October 2020
This week, Matt announces the launch of the Kent Children's Portal and a reminder about the SEN Inclusion Discussion paper.
Dear Colleagues
I am delighted to announce that our Integrated Children’s Portal went live yesterday as planned. As you know this feature enables you to submit your Requests for Support directly and securely into our children’s information system which in turn will lead to a faster and more efficient service. I want to thank the team in the Front Door and other parts of the service for ensuring we hit our deadline.
In my letter on Friday to all headteachers I reminded you about the SEN Inclusion Discussion paper, which invites thoughts and comments on a number of interrelated items:
- Statement of Inclusion
- Inclusion Framework
- Mainstream Core Standards
- System Leadership of Inclusion
- Inclusion Dashboard
- Parent Voice
- Characteristics of an Inclusive School.
Each of these conversations and proposals are in the development stages and are presented to gather your views and comments. In the paper, each section includes ‘pathway of proposals’ which outlines where the topics have been formulated and discussed or shared previously. Your feedback is invaluable in informing how we shape the inclusion landscape moving forward. The closing date for feedback is 31 October and If you have not already done so, please feel free to complete the online feedback form.
Matt Dunkley CBE
Corporate Director
Children, Young People and Education