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A message from Christine McInnes:

14 March 2025 weekly update

14 March 2025

This week Christine provides an update on The Kent and Medway Maths Hub 10th Anniversary, Wyvern special school,  Headteacher briefings, Communities of schools.

Dear Colleagues

The Kent and Medway Maths Hub 10th Anniversary

The Kent and Medway Maths Hub has now been in place for 10 years.  Happy 10th anniversary!  To mark the occasion, the Hub hosted a conference last Friday, bringing together maths leads and teachers from across Kent and Medway.   United Through Numbers: A Decade of Strong Bonds and Bright Futures in Kent and Medway celebrated the achievements of the Hub and provided a range of inspiring national keynote addresses.

I was not able to attend but Michelle Stanley, my Education Lead Adviser and a member of the Hub’s strategic board, attended and reported back on the sense of excitement of the day.  ‘The day was buzzing with maths.  It ranged from the challenges set by Anne Watson which created vigorous table discussions to the fun filled activities from Rob Eastaway. There was also a focus on SEND and Maths which explored Dyscalculia (lead by Alice Earnshaw) and approaches to maths inclusion (lead by Magdalene Lake).’

Since its inception in 2015, the Kent and Medway hub has played a key role in spreading good maths practise through school to school working.  It has worked with hundreds of teachers to embed evidence based approaches to teaching maths. This approach aligns closely with the work we have done on developing a new (currently still draft) education strategy for Kent.

The Maths hubs programme was set up by the government to improve the teaching and learning of maths through a school-led system, harnessing the expertise already present in England’s schools and colleges, to improve maths education for both teachers and their pupils. The Maths Hubs model, underpinned by the principles of teaching for mastery and with an evidence and research-informed approach, enables teachers themselves to drive improvements in maths teaching and learning.

To find out more about the range of supported offered by the Hub, contact , read about their work in the January 2025 newsletter, or explore their website.

School Visit

Wyvern special school was one of the first schools I visited when I arrived in Kent, so I was delighted to return this week with my colleague Michelle Stanley. We went to see staff from an organisation called  Playground Kent working with Puffins, the Reception class. It was a tremendous privilege to share in  this creative, multi- sensory session with the children and the staff.

We also found out about Wyvern's annual Shakespeare Festival performed in collaboration with Repton and Great Chart Primary schools. A huge thank you to Headteacher Penny Bullen and her team for a fascinating visit.

Headteacher briefings

A big thank you to Steve Gallears and Sarah Tinkler of Northfleet Technology College , John Vennart of The Malling School , Michaela Clay and the SLT from Enterprise Learning Alliance , Lesley Conway of Richmond Primary and Dr Stella Scharinger of Stour Academy Trust Home| Preparing children for the 21st century| Our Vision for generously sharing their work at this week’s headteacher briefings.

Communities of schools

Thank you for your continued engagement and feedback as we work towards the implementation of the Communities of Schools. This update is intended to outline the activities which will take place over terms 5 & 6 and to summarise the information which schools need.

Community chairs met in January and February. An agenda item examined draft budgets with a discussion to consider certainty for schools . The discussion resulted in KCC being able to give some assurances to schools as we transition from one funding model to another over the next 18 months. These assurances were announced at the recent Headteacher briefings and are summarised below.

  • Current claim system for top-up funding ceases 31st March .
  • Claims in the system will continue to be processed. It is anticipated that this will take until May to complete.
  • All agreed claims will continue to be paid until 31st August 25; this includes claims that were due to be renewed for the Summer Term. There is no need for re application (subject to child still being at the school)​
  • Existing top-up claims for children with EHCP above £6k (as at 31st Dec 24) will continue to paid directly to the school. There is no need for re application. This includes infant into junior and Year 6 into 7 mainstream transfer. This will continue until August ‘26. ​
  • Notional top funding for small schools (contribution towards first £6k) will continue until 31st Aug 26.​
  • Any further budget information and Community of School budgets will be based on figures as on 31st Dec 2024 – therefore we can continue to work on issuing budget information as soon as possible.

As the system moves from one way of working into a new way of working, Community induction meetings are planned to support this move. These meetings are for Headteachers and SENCOs.

  • Dates for Community Induction Meetings​
    • South – Monday 28th April 1pm - 4pm – Discovery Park, Sandwich​
    • North – Wednesday 30th April 9am – 12pm – Inn on the Lake, Shorne​
    • West – Friday 2nd May 9am – 12pm – Mercure Great Danes Hotel, Maidstone​
    • East – Tuesday 6th May 1pm -4pm – University of Kent, Canterbury

Meet the chairs.​
Establish relationships and get to know context​
Share documentation and process​
Ensure consistency of messaging. ​

To book your place please use the following link: Registration for Community Induction Meetings

This is a very exciting time as we take forward the outcomes of three years consultation and co-construction with you. Through this process we have developed a model collaborative approach to meeting need locally through a school to school support, which reduces bureaucracy and makes best use of the leadership expertise in the Kent education system. It is brave but there is every confidence in the system and the system leaders to work together for the best possible outcomes for the children in Kent.

And finally…

About 18 months ago I received a message on LinkedIn from a Kent SENCO to let me know that she was a member of a group of Catholic school SENCOs who have weekly prayer meetings and they were praying for SEND improvement (and continue to do so). As a Christian this had a particular resonance for me but I’m sure anyone would be pleased to receive such a caring message at a difficult time. So, to all of you out there who have provided support in a variety of ways including through prayer, thank you very much, it is welcome and much appreciated

Have a great weekend


Christine McInnes
Director of Education and SEN