A message from Matt Dunkley CBE:
18 January 2019 weekly update
18 January 2019
This week, Matt shares important reminders about our term and holiday dates consultation; our Brexit guidance information and Ofsted's education inspection framework consultation.
Dear Colleagues
Some important reminders for you this week:
School Term and Holiday Dates: KCC Consultation
We are taking the opportunity to fulfil KCCs responsibility for setting term dates for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
In determining the proposed future school term dates, KCC is required to consult on the proposed dates and this consultation began on Monday 14 January 2019, lasting 6 weeks, concluding on Sunday 24 February 2019.
The proposed dates and consultation response form can be found here
Please can I encourage all staff and representatives of Schools, Academies, Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provision in Kent; and any parent, carers or organisations who would like to make comment on the proposals; to please respond to this important Consultation. Feedback from this consultation will be reported to the Children, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee for their consideration and following their recommendations the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education will take the decision to determine the dates.
Ofsted Consultation: Education inspection framework 2019: inspecting the substance of education
Yesterday, Ofsted launched its formal consultation on their proposed Education Inspection Framework for September 2019. You will remember that in my Headteacher Meetings last term, Claire Prince HMI was able to share the early developments of the new Ofsted Framework - it was clear at the time that there was a lot more detail to come, but the early indications of a helpful changed framework were positive. The consultation document can be located on the government website and the closing date for responses is 5 April 2019. Please can I encourage your responses.
Brexit Guidance Information for Schools
And finally, as there is currently significant Brexit discussion and as we get nearer to the date that the Government has determined we leave the European Union, it is prudent that schools, PRUs and Early Years settings begin to plan for the possibility of disruption that might follow our departure.
The Brexit Guidance Information for Schools (PDF, 326.8 KB) gives you clear information and I would strongly advise that you take the initial steps to judge how ready your school will be in managing any challenges to maintain a full service to your students. It may be that there is no disruption but I believe that the suggested preparation would be beneficial in other areas of Resilience Planning, including the possibility of disruption from extreme weather.
Matt Dunkley CBE
Corporate Director
Children, Young People and Education