A message from Patrick Leeson:
19 March 2015 weekly update
19 March 2015
A focus on our latest meeting with Ofsted, the KentChoices4U Live event and the VE Day Celebrations.
Meeting with Ofsted
A number of Headteacher colleagues, LA officers and I met with Ofsted last week to discuss a range of inspection issues that have come up in Kent schools. Sir Robin Bosher, Ofsted Regional Director and Mike Sheridan, Senior Regional HMI, attended the meeting.
Sir Robin set out Ofsted's new operating model from September. Ofsted will have moved away from its contracted out model with Tribal, Serco and CfBT, which comes to an end in August. Instead inspectors will be employed directly by Ofsted following the current recruitment process of existing additional inspectors. We were assured the process was rigorous and as a result far fewer inspectors will be doing the work, but on a more regular basis, which should improve the quality and consistency of inspections. Additional inspectors will be allocated on a regional basis which should make it more straightforward to monitor their work. Nearly 75% of the workforce from September will be serving Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers, and the aim is to take this to 80%. Sir Robin encouraged more Headteachers to apply to become inspectors but pointed out that there is a new requirement to commit to at least 16 days inspecting each school year. Ofsted will be advertising at the beginning of May 2015 and Sir Robin urged people to apply.
Our Ofsted colleagues answered a number of questions about inspection practice and the behaviour of lead inspectors. In future reports will not be published before complaints are addressed or doubts about inspection judgements are resolved. It was emphasised again that the key achievement judgement is made up of progress and attainment. Progress is the big issue and inspectors are asked to pay more attention to progress rates and trends. It was also made clear that inspectors should use more data than RAISE online and should not always be looking for a three year trend to secure a judgement, when there is evidence of more recent and rapid improvement in a school. It was also emphasised in the meeting that floor standards are made up of progress and attainment measures and all count equally before inspectors take a view about a school performing below the floor. There was a helpful reminder also that leadership and management can often be judged as good when other key judgements are not yet good.
It was a helpful meeting and colleagues appreciated the open and frank way in which the issues were discussed. Colleagues were reminded of the usefulness of the Ofsted Myth Busting booklet on the Ofsted website.
KentChoices4U Live
The KentChoices4U event is being held on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 March at Detling Showground, near Maidstone, Kent. On 25 March it will be open just for students from Kent schools, while 26 March is open to everyone looking for help and advice about gaining employment. It is set to be the biggest yet with more than 4,000 young people already registered to attend.
KentChoices 4U is the largest local authority sponsored careers event of its kind in the UK, helping young people decide on their career path. It is in its fourth year and has been steadily growing in popularity each year. It is aimed at students and young people who are deciding on their future after school, college or university; actively seeking employment; planning a return to work or considering a career change.
About 125 employers are involved and many of these will be hoping to attract the next generation of young people to be part of their future workforce. Regional and national employers will be attending along with careers guidance professionals, training providers and specialist staff from colleges and universities.
KentChoices4U will offer young people the chance to have a go at a wide variety of potential careers and they will be able to apply for live job opportunities, apprenticeships, training placements and volunteering openings. There will be a number of zones at the event, reflecting areas the government has identified as essential for the future growth of the UK economy. These are: construction and the built environment; land based; transport and logistics; creative, cultural and media and the visitor economy; engineering and advanced manufacturing; life sciences and healthcare; environmental technologies and energy.
At the event on Wednesday 25 March, there will be a reception hosted by Invicta Chamber of Commerce for school and college leaders and employers. Marcus Mason from the British Chamber of Commerce will be there promoting greater partnership working between education and business to improve the transition of young people into the world of work. Anyone interested in attending should book using KentChoices4U.
VE Day Celebrations
There will be celebrations and commemorations to mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8 May, and across the weekend of 9 and 10 May. I am sure you will want to remember and celebrate this important day and for schools that wish to participate a resource pack is available.
Patrick Leeson
Corporate Director, Education and Young People's Services