A message from Christine McInnes:
22 April 2022 weekly update
22 April 2022
This week, Christine updates on the Primary and Junior Offer Day, the Kent Transition Charter and shares some key dates for the diary.
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome back after what I hope was a restful break. I spent time in the garden, mainly painting decking and catching up with family and friends. I also resurrected my running which fizzled out in February, when I got fed up dodging round bins in the dark and driving rain on the mean streets of South East London. So, I have been enjoying puffing round the park in the early morning sun, hoping to hit the sweet spot between accruing some meagre health benefit and doing some permanent physical damage, amused by seeing so many joyful dogs being wagged by their tails.
Within KCC, congratulations to the Co-ordinated Admissions Team for sending out 18,000 emails for Primary and Junior Offer Day. Other key areas of work at the moment include preparing for discussions with the DfE on the High Needs Funding recovery plan, the schools capital and maintenance programmes, home to school transport, planning for new arrivals and considering the implications of the policy papers published before Easter. We will be sending out more information over the coming weeks.
Some forthcoming events for you to be aware of:
- Launch of the 16 to 19 Review Report on 28 April from 1pm to 4:30pm at the Great Danes Hotel. Please complete your Eventbrite registration to secure your place and for full details.
- A maths focused Kelsi bulletin on Friday 20 May
- HT briefing meetings on:
- Tuesday 14 June - Mercure, Maidstone
- Thursday 16 June - Mercure, Dartford
- Monday 20 June - St Augustine’s, Westgate
- Wednesday 22 June - Ashford International.
Transition Charter
Thank you to the LIFT executive teams who have invited the seconded school leaders to talk at LIFT Executive meetings about the Transition Charter. I am hopeful that members of the team will have the opportunity to speak at all the LIFT Executive meetings in the near future. The feedback from LIFT Executive, the opportunity to discuss where the good practice is and where the barriers are, have been invaluable. This information from all of you is crucial to informing the implementation of the Transition Charter (PDF, 214.9 KB).
With all best wishes
Christine McInnes
Director of Education