A message from Matt Dunkley CBE:
22 November 2019 weekly update
22 November 2019
This week, Matt shares the presentation from the Autumn Headteacher Briefings and officially launches the 2019 Christmas card competition.
Dear Colleagues
Presentation from Headteacher Briefings
As promised the Headteacher Briefing Presentation (PDF, 1.4 MB) is now available from the recent briefings. Thank you to those who attended and I appreciated comments from a number of colleagues that there was a good balance of presentation, discussion, CPD and information sharing this time. The feedback from Headteachers about their recent Ofsted Inspection was very helpful and we will look to provide a summary of some of the key messages which are emerging. I will shortly publish dates for the co-produced (KAH, KCC and TEP) briefings for the whole of 2020.
National Children and Adults Services Conference
This week I am braving the cold winter chill in a shivering Bournemouth for the National Children and Adult Services Conference, an annual opportunity for those with an interest in social care, children’s services, education, health and related fields to network with peers and hear the very latest thinking on key policy and improvement agendas. I will provide an update and link to presentations in my e-bulletin message next week.
Christmas Card Competition
And finally, with Christmas just around the corner, I am excited to launch the 2019 Kelsi Christmas card competition. I would like to encourage all Kent Primary school children to take part in designing our annual Christmas cards. This exciting opportunity should get children in the creative mood ahead of the Christmas festivities.
For this year, there will be three winning designs and as a thank you from us the three winning designers will each receive a £20 book voucher.
The competition is open to all children aged 4 to 11, we would love to get as many Primary aged school children involved as possible, and hope that your school will be a part of it.
Closing date for entries is Monday 9 December - so there’s still time to get creative.
Please send your completed designs to:
CYPE Office, Room 1.60, Sessions House, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ. Alternatively, you can send your scanned copies to kelsi@kent.gov.uk.
Please include: Child’s name, age, school name, and a contact number for the school.
Winners will be announced in the Kelsi e-bulletin on Friday 13 December.
Matt Dunkley CBE
Corporate Director
Children, Young People and Education