A message from Matt Dunkley CBE:
29 June 2018 weekly update
29 June 2018
This week, Matt gives an update on The Education People's leadership team and outlines how recent discussions has allowed a more focussed approach to take shape.
Dear Colleagues
The Education People Update
As we move towards the launch date of 1 September for The Education People (TEP), I am very pleased to welcome the new permanent Chief Executive of the company, James Roberts, and the new Finance Director, Mirela Holmes. Both James and Mirela will start on Monday 2 July and will continue the good work that the TEP Leadership Team are undertaking in the lead up to the go live date. I would like to personally thank Richard Hallett for his continued support and stepping into the role of interim Chief Executive for the last 3 months. Richard will focus on his executive role as the Director of Organisation and Business Development.
In my recent Headteacher briefings, we outline how recent discussions with Headteachers about TEP has allowed a more focussed approach to take shape. These include:
- Working more closely together
- Greater clarity to schools on the offer
- Ensuring that TEP staff are highly skilled, with a robust quality assurance process in place
- To be more visual as a company and ensure it is available to support you at your events
- Clarity around the company offer and what is ‘core’ and funded by KCC
- Supporting you when need it and creating a two-way dialogue through the development of working focus groups including product development
- Listening to your feedback in terms of quality and gaps in service
- Continued close working with KAH to ensure that there is joint planning
- Using the existing governance better to harness schools feedback and development opportunities.
- Further development of the website which will work alongside Kelsi.
The Education People website is now live and I would encourage you to take time to visit and familiarise yourself with its functionality.
It is an exciting journey ahead for all those involved in The Education People, the staff and its customers, and I look forward to working with James, Richard and Mirela to continue the excellent work started.
Headteacher Briefing
My final Headteacher Briefing this term will take place on Monday 2 July at Ashford International Hotel from 2pm to 4:30pm, there are still places available (contact EYPSsupportteam@kent.gov.uk) and I look forward to seeing you there.
Matt Dunkley CBE
Corporate Director
Children, Young People and Education