A message from Matt Dunkley CBE:
5 October 2018 weekly update
5 October 2018
This week, Matt provides a summary of the Education Secretary's recent announcement of new measures to ensure all children have access to 'world class education'.
This week the Education Secretary announced a number of measures to make sure all children have access to ‘world class education’ at every stage of their lives, regardless of background. I hope you find this summary helpful.
£10m behaviour training fund and new guidance
This will enable schools to get the tools and support they need to tackle poor behaviour:
- The government will reform training so every teacher is equipped to manage behaviour backed by a £10m investment to support schools to share best practice
- They will update guidance on behaviour which was last reviewed in 2015
- To back heads who choose to ban mobile phones. The Government has made it clear that it will back heads who take these decisions as this can reduce bullying and improve attainment
English Hub
The Government has announced the names of 32 schools across England that will take a leading role in supporting schools that struggle to teach children by improving the teaching of early language and reading. I am delighted that a Kent school Kingsnorth CEP, Ashford has been identified as one of these 32 schools - a great achievement. The whole network of 32 schools will work together to increase reading standards in schools across the country and improve education outcomes for the most disadvantage children, particularly in underperforming schools.
Basic Maths Skills
It has been announced that 21 new centres for excellence will be established across the country. These centres will design programmes and improved teaching approaches to improve the quality of maths teaching in post 16 institutions, focusing on improving basic maths knowledge and skills for those 16 and over.
School Sport Action Plan
A cross-government school sport and activity action plan will consider ways to ensure that all children have access to quality, protected PE and sport sessions during the school week and opportunities to be physically active through the school day. An action plan will be launched in Spring 2019 and it will be informed by the first publication of data from the Active Lives Children Survey.
More Money for T-Levels
The government will spend a further £38million in its T-Levels programme, a technical alternative to A Levels. The money will be available from Spring 2019 for providers preparing to deliver the new qualifications from September 2020.
See the full government announcement here
Matt Dunkley CBE
Corporate Director
Children, Young People and Education