A message from Christine McInnes:
7 October 2022 weekly update
7 October 2022
This week, Christine shares an update on the newly appointed headteachers meeting.
Dear Colleagues,
This week I was really pleased to have the opportunity to attend our annual welcome event for newly appointed headteachers. We met over 20 headteachers of infant, junior, primary and secondary schools. About a third of the group are new to Kent, having previously worked in London including the school that one of my sons attended, Trinity in Lewisham. It certainly is a small world!
Secondary school colleagues will be busy with open evenings and days at the moment and as a grandparent of a year 6 child I am taking a very personal interest this year. It’s a good reminder of how challenging the process is for both children and parents, particularly understanding the difference between expressing a preference for and making a choice of schools. Grandson has been on his first school trip this week, a welcome break from thinking about what the next year might hold. A big thank you to the staff at his school for what I am sure has been a tiring week.
This weekend I am preparing to open my home for the Catford Arts Trail as one of 49 hosts exhibiting the work of local artists. It’s a great community event with about 400 visitors over the two weekends. The most unique and intriguing for me is no. 40 Povera Art which I visit every year.
Best wishes
Christine McInnes
Director of Education