A message from Christine McInnes:
9 June 2023 weekly update
9 June 2023
This week, Christine updates on the SEND Sub Committee debating EHCPs, and shares further details of the agenda for the next round of Headteacher briefings.
Dear Colleagues,
I hope you enjoyed your half term break. I certainly enjoyed mine which I spent with my youngest who has just finished university, visiting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The history of these three countries that gained their independence in August 1991 is fascinating. We visited KGB museums in each of the capital cities of Tallin, Riga and Vilnius, which were both disturbing but at the same time uplifting; seeing the evidence of community resilience and the human drive to create beauty in the most horrifying of circumstances through for example embroidery, woodwork and drawing was quite remarkable. The trip was not all about the Gulag labour camps and we also enjoyed a few cocktails at rooftop bars along the way.
So, refreshed and revived, this week I have been working with colleagues to complete the next submission to the DfE on the Accelerated Progress Plan, which is being sent this afternoon, as well as the first Safety Valve Monitoring Report. I’m really looking forward to having this stage done and dusted so we can really focus on the actual improvement work in SEND. The Scrutiny SEND Sub Committee took place this week with a lively debate on EHCPs.
If it’s of interest the SEND Sub Committee paper is available and the meeting can be viewed online
Thank you to those of you that responded to the call for expressions of interest in working with us on SEND improvement, we were really encouraged at the good will and commitment. We will be talking with you and your staff in the coming weeks to get this project off the ground for next term.
Please do book your place at the forthcoming Headteacher Briefing. I’m really pleased to let you know that we have leaders presenting at each of the briefings to shared their experiences of participating in the Kent Inclusion Leadership Programme, so a bit of a celebration of the fabulous work going on in schools. We also have Ofsted attending and I have asked the MHI to bring us up to date on
- Issues and patterns arising from Kent inspections over the last year and particularly Ofsted’s current approach to safeguarding during inspections
- The SEND picture in Kent
- The forthcoming Relationships and sex education review - particularly guidance on transgender issues
- What next for Ofsted September 2023 and beyond.
Wendy Murray from Management Information will be attending to speak with Secondary colleagues about our aspiration to return to the practice of collecting Year 11 KS4 pupil level data this year on results day.
Reflecting your feedback we will be having an extended coffee break to allow for networking between schools and also with officers from across CYPE who will be attending each of the briefings. A full agenda will be circulated next week.
- Tonbridge and Malling - Monday 19 June, 1pm to 4pm - The Hop Farm
- Dartford - Thursday 22 June, 9am to 12 noon - Birchwood Park Golf Club
- Folkestone and Hythe - Friday 23 June, 9am to 12noon - Hythe Imperial Hotel
- Canterbury - Thursday 29 June, 1pm to 4pm - The University of Kent.
To reserve your place please use the booking form
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes
Christine McInnes
Director of Education