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The latest from Christine McInnes

28 June 2024 weekly update

28 June 2024

This week, Christine shares the presentation from the Chair of Governors special schools review consultation meeting, and picks up on some of the key discussion points from the meeting.

  • 10 November 2016 weekly update

    10 November 2016

    This week, Patrick provides an update on our Elective Home Education Policy and summarises the data we report to the DfE around children and young people registered to Elective Home Education.

  • 3 November 2016 weekly update

    3 November 2016

    This week, Patrick summarises the impact the KAH has had over the past year and gives an update on the Director of Education Quality and Standards.

  • 19 October 2016 weekly update

    19 October 2016

    This week, Patrick summarises the recently published 2016 GCSE Results and Progress 8 and Attainment 8 Scores for Kent.

  • 11 October 2016 weekly update

    11 October 2016

    This week, Patrick outlines the Nursery World Award that was recently presented to the Early Years and Childcare Service and the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) Education Groups' advice document for education settings on responding to incidents of sexual imagery.