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The latest from Christine McInnes

28 June 2024 weekly update

28 June 2024

This week, Christine shares the presentation from the Chair of Governors special schools review consultation meeting, and picks up on some of the key discussion points from the meeting.

  • 02 June 2015 weekly update

    2 June 2015

    In this week's bulletin, Patrick outlines Funding for Collaborations and School to School Support, invites you to complete the survey which will gather your views about the services and support provided by the local authority, includes a reminder to book yourself on this term's Headteacher Briefing, gives information about a couple of recent report by Ofsted and has information on the 2016 MoD Education Support Fund.

  • 19 May 2015 weekly update

    19 May 2015

    Patrick's message this week outlines information on Closing the Gap including the most effective strategies that are being used, intelligent use of data, attendance and parental engagement and ensuring very able students achieve well.

  • 12 May 2015 weekly update

    12 May 2015

    In this week's e-Bulletin we welcome our new Director, Gillian Cawley, give details of our newly recruited Early Help District Lead Managers and have some important information on School Website Statutory Requirements.

  • 6 May 2015 weekly update

    6 May 2015

    This week's e-Bulletin gives information on the Elections for the Kent Association of Headteachers and an update on the launch of a New National Post 16 Database in September 2015.