Brick-By-Brick Therapy (previously Lego Therapy)
Building interaction and developing social skills.
Brick-By-Brick Therapy is a social skills programme with a group focus on building interaction and developing social skills.
Course Objectives:
- To understand what Brick-By-Brick Therapy is and the potential benefits based on research,
- To know how to set up and support a Brick-By-Brick Therapy group with pupils,
- To develop an understanding of the aims and objectives of Brick-By-Brick Therapy for pupils with ASD, social skill difficulties and communication difficulties including language impairment and social use of language.
Course aimed at: Any staff who work with children with social communication difficulties.
Presenters: Angie O’Gorman, Sam Armstrong and Cloe Atkins Angie, Specialist Teacher for C&I Sam, Specialist Teacher for C&I and Early Years Cloe, Specialist Support Worker.
Please book by Monday 24 March 2025. If minimum required numbers to run the course have not been reached by this date the course will be cancelled and any bookings will be passed on to courses in our neighbouring districts.
How to book
To find out more or to book a place please contact: Sophie Hammond Tel: 01304 829846 Email: aspensmile@whitfield.kent.sch.uk
(The course is being subsidised for Dover District Schools at the reduced rate of £25 per place)
Aspen SMILE Centre
Whitfield Aspen School, Mayfield Road, Whitfield, Dover, Kent. CT16 3LJCost
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