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CommHack Communication and Programming Competition

Open to students from Year 7 - sixth form, including FE Colleges.

  • Registration deadline - 15 November 2017
  • Teacher and Industry Ambassador Launch - 5 December 2017
  • Celebration and prize giving - March 2018 (date TBC on 5 December)

About CommHack

CommHack is a computer programming, communication and training competition. The challenge is for students to produce a ‘meaningful’ piece of digital work over a six week period (approximately 10 hours), which students can use for their own coursework, portfolios and for the benefit in the world at large. Students can continue outside of school if they desire.

Each team of 2-4 students will be given a brief, and access to a range of relevant resources as well as real-world examples to serve as inspiration.

They will also have access to a digital/communications industry mentor whom they will meet in:

  • Week 1 - to introduce the project, the industry and opportunities within it and help them to form their initial ideas.
  • Week 4 - in order to discuss their creations and ways in which they might be enhanced ahead of submission.

To be able to participate in this event, all school or colleges will need to attend the launch and training event at Canterbury Christ Church University on 15 November 2017 at 4:30pm.

To register your interest and for more information please email