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Free Opportunity for Disadvantaged Year 10 Students (current year group)

Universify Education are a charity committed to countering educational inequality across the UK.

We are seeking schools to send Year 10 students on our 2018-19 programme which involves a Summer Residential in Oxford in August 2018 and year long coaching support as well as a GCSE revision booster weekend during the University Easter vacation.

We are looking for students with the potential to succeed at a highly selective university, who may be at risk of not fulfilling their potential.

It would be great to partner with Kent schools and have students attend our programme this year. Our programme is free for attendees and involves a week-long summer course, monthly 1-1 academic coaching from undergraduate volunteers and a 3-day Easter session. We focus on improving educational aspiration, boosting school attainment and maximising students’ application prospects.

Applications are now open and will close on Wednesday 6 June 2018. Due to the continuance of charitable funding we are able to keep the course free for students to attend, however we ask that schools cover the travel costs of students' attendance. Nearer the summer, we will be in touch to link together schools in the same region to facilitate minibus travel. Here is an outline of our programme for teachers, which details what the course entails and our eligibility criteria.

If you have any questions regarding applications for this year's programme, please do not hesitate to get in contact, we'd be happy to arrange a call to discuss the course in more detail.

If a school wishes to send students on the Universify programme please reply to and provide a contact for the lead teacher at the school, we will then send application details.

Find out more at the Universify Education website