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Have your say on Kent’s Adult Autism Strategy

Kent is launching a consultation into a new strategy to improve the outcomes, experiences and support for adults and those in transition with autism.

In 2009 the first disability specific piece of legislation came into force - the Autism Act which required the Secretary of State to issue a national strategy to improve services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions. The following year the National Autism Strategy, Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives was published which required Local Authorities to develop a local plan for people with autism.

In the autumn of 2014 an autism partnership board was established - the Kent Autism Collaborative. This was modelled on the Dementia Collaborative and comprised representatives from Social Care, Health, Education, the Voluntary Sector and Academia. It was recognised that whilst Kent had taken action to develop new specialist services, an autism strategy was needed to set out a plan for the future.

The collaborative has produced a draft strategy. The strategy primarily addresses the needs of adults with autism who do not have a co-occurring learning disability (including people diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome) who live in Kent or are the responsibility of KCC. It mainly focuses on those aged over 18 years but issues relating to young people in transition are also included.

We would like to hear your views on the draft strategy which is available to download here. We will use your feedback to help produce the final version of the strategy by December 2016 and a more detailed action plan based on the agreed strategic objectives contained in the strategy.

Contact Details

Guy Offord
Telephone: 07540 677218