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Kent Youth County Council Elections Register now

Registration is now open for any Secondary school, college or youth club to be a polling station for the Kent Youth County Council (KYCC) elections.

Registration is now open for any Secondary school, college or youth club to be a polling station for the Kent Youth County Council (KYCC) elections which will take place from 12-25 November. Registration forms are available on our website

During this fortnight 60 young people will be elected to represent the voice of Kent young people and to campaign on the issues important to them.

Your school can take part in voting either using paper ballots, online voting or a mixture of both methods. Once you have registered your school will be sent ballot papers, manifesto posters and advice on how to run elections. Following the elections we will collect all paper ballots, count them and then announce the results of which candidates have been elected and the issues that have been chosen as campaigns for KYCC for 2019. Results will be announced in early December.

We would love to have your school represented on Kent Youth County Council, so please  encourage any interested students to register as a candidate, which again they can do on our website

As well as registration forms our website has other information on KYCC to share with your students including newsletter updates and a PowerPoint presentation, which can be sued as part of assemblies to encourage young people to stand as candidates. These can be found on the KYCC website

Contact Details

Kent Youth County Council