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KentChoices Year 11 launch 2022/23

The post 16 area prospectus, online application, and careers resource website KentChoices launches once again to Year 11s and their parents and carers this week.

Year 11 parents and carers will receive letters this week regarding the launch of KentChoices and how they should use this website with their son or daughter to research their post 16 options and make online applications. You may recently have heard the advertising on the radio or seen it on passing buses.

KentChoices, now in its 15th year has helped well over 100,00 young people make those difficult post 16 decisions about what to do next and is a resource that is almost unique to Kent. At the same time, it has helped schools, track their year 11’s progression through the year, identify those at risk of becoming NEET, supply statutory data to the local authority and provide evidence towards the Gatsby Benchmarks and the new Provider Access Legislation (PAL).

See your school’s entry on KentChoices. If you need help getting your entry on KentChoices up to date and/or access to your learners’ personal accounts, please contact