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Radiation Protection Officer service

Many secondary schools and colleges use low-level radioactive sources as part of the national curriculum in science and/or advanced level physics.

Under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, the employer is regarded as a radiation employer.

These regulations require all radioactive substances are accounted for, stored properly, handled safely and monitored regularly. This responsibility falls to individual schools and colleges.

Kent County Council offer the Radiation Protection Officer service for schools and colleges to support them to be compliant - KCC membership includes:

  • An audit carried out by an appointed Radiation Protection Officer to ensure and monitor safe storage, handling and use of radioactive substances on site.
  • Three follow up support consultation phone calls to support you with carrying out any actions that were identified in your RPO audit.
  • Availability of a qualified Radiation Protection Officer to answer radiation queries beyond the scope of the school Radiation Protection Supervisor.
  • The cost is fixed for three years and runs from 1 April each year. You are committing to an initial three-year subscription on a rolling contract (until cancelled in writing).
  • Link to a Radiation Protection Adviser through the Radiation Protection Officer.
  • If you wish to subscribe to Radiation Protection Audits and don’t already have CLEAPSS School Science Membership, you will be required to purchase their annual membership to comply with CLEAPSS requirements.

The price for this service is £165 per annum per site, if you have more than one site that holds radioactive sources each site will need to purchase the service.

If you would like to purchase the service, please email

Contact details
