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Screen South - New Creatives

Screen South, BBC Arts and Arts Council England launch the next call for the new creatives commissioning opportunity - film, audio and interactive.

After a successful first year of New Creatives, Screen South is once again pleased to announce the next Call for New Creatives South East is open. Working with partners across the region, Screen South continues to support new talent to produce original stories and perspectives which will give audiences an insight into the creative minds and ambitions of our young regional talent aged 16 to 30. This groundbreaking initiative has so far offered life changing BBC commissions to 36 new and emerging Artists and Digital Creatives across the South East and Screen South is now launching its third Call for Film, Audio and Interactive commissions.

The next deadline for Film, Audio and Interactive Commissions is Midnight on 2 February 2020.

This is a two year programme so further deadlines will follow for future New Creative Commissions.

We are looking for New Creatives aged 16 to 30 who reflect the diverse voice of young people from a range of creative disciplines to complete the remaining 64 commissions across the three strands. These New Creatives will have the opportunity for their work to be selected for a new broadcast strand “BBC Introducing Arts” which will showcase and introduce new artistic talent from all over the UK across BBC platforms - this might be on BBC Four, BBC Radio 3, BBC iPlayer, BBC Sounds, BBC Taster or beyond. You can discover the fantastic work which has been created so far by visiting the BBC Introducing Arts website and the Screen South New Creatives Website

New Creatives is an exciting new talent development scheme offering commissioning opportunities for emerging talent to create new artistic digital media works designed for BBC platforms. Screen South is looking for Writers, Artists, Performers and Digital Creatives based in the South East, aged 16 to 30 who have strong creative ideas. Commissioned lead creatives will need a drive to create and want to develop original creative ideas into a professional short film, audio or interactive media project. Screen South will work closely with the young Creatives to support their skills and training needs throughout the process to realise their ideas to broadcast standard.

Applications are welcome from any artistic discipline including, but not limited, to any or all of the following - Poets, Spoken-Word Artists, Rappers, Storytellers, Dancers, Choreographers, Actors, Performers, Musicians, Writers, Filmmakers, Animators, Comedians, Visual Artists, and Game Designers.

We’re open to any creative and thought provoking ideas that are fresh and innovative proposals for short films, audio and interactive that reflects on contemporary life in Britain. The ideas can be serious, comedic, absurd, challenging, provocative, abstract or polemic. We’re looking for creatives to push the boundaries on what constitutes art, makes people think and encourage new ways of understanding ourselves and the world we live in.
The BBC has a particular interest in opening up its platforms to new diverse talent by commissioning people who might not consider themselves artists or creatives, or who may have not been seen represented on screen, on air or online before but have something to say and who may, with some professional support, collaborate to create something very special for BBC audiences - bringing mould-breaking ideas and perspectives that can help us experience, appreciate and understand the world in new ways. We welcome proposals from artists of all backgrounds, including those from minority ethnic groups, those who consider themselves to be disabled and those who are currently underrepresented in media and the visual arts.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for young creatives to experiment and connect with BBC audiences and beyond.

Full details on how to apply and available support can be found at the Screen South website or call Barbara Welch at Screen South on 01303 259777 to find out more.