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100 schools set to champion green travel

Applications are coming thick and fast for an award winning green travel initiative and there is still time for more schools to sign up.

More than 100 schools have joined the KM Walk to School campaign for the autumn term and they will kick off their green travel activity in time for Walk to School month in October.

The campaign, run by the KM Group’s charity department the KM Charity Team, is a five-time winner at the Green Apple Awards; an event which highlights impressive environmentally-friendly practices as examples for other countries and organisations to follow.

The campaign includes the scheme Active Wow which encourages pupils to use active means to get to school whether it’s walking, cycling, or opting to park and stride. Participating schools will also receive the Road Safety Skills Tests and Green Champions initiatives, meaning they will enjoy the benefits of three schemes for the price of one. Active Wow schools will also be invited to take part in a series of walk to school challenges to win prizes including storytelling visits from celebrities and tickets to leading leisure attractions.

Matt Trusty, Kent regional chairman of Specsavers and a long time supporter of walk to school, helped to reveal the number of schools signed up so far and urged more schools to get involved.

He said: “For the last six years, we have worked with the KM Charity Team to promote green travel to school and the results have been impressive. But it’s not just about green travel; encouraging the walk to school gets children fit and healthy and teaches vital road safety skills.”

Simon Dolby, chief executive of the KM Charity Team, said: “We have had a fantastic year for green travel. We’ve passed the 300,000 mark for car journeys being taken off Kent roads this year, a first for the scheme, and already we’ve passed the 100 mark for number of schools joining us from September. They will reap the benefits of having their green travel plans in place in plenty of time for the KM Year of Walking 2018 campaign."

He added: “I look forward to receiving more applications and as a thank you to all schools registering before the summer holidays, we will give a 20% discount on the price plus entry into a prize draw to win a pair of Eurostar tickets.”

Access the Active Wow school enquiry form

The KCC supported publication, Developing an Educational Legacy, details how this initiative links to Ofsted. Download the booklet here

Contact Details

Sarah Clyne
Telephone: 08442 640291