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2016-17 Kent Anti-Bullying Survey Online

The survey is free and confidential, and will provide your school with analysis of how safe your pupils feels in school and out of school.

To tackle bullying effectively it's crucial that the voices of children and Young People are heard; in the last two years over 32,000 pupils from across the county shared their views and experiences, making this Kent based survey the largest in the UK by far. You have until the 22 December to take part in this year's Kent Safe at School Survey.

The three surveys which cover year R through to 13 take 5 minutes to complete and can be accessed on Kelsi here or via the Salus Group website

Completion of the survey is free and confidential, many of the questions asked in each survey match several aspects of the current Ofsted inspection framework. The evidence and subsequent analysis will therefore be extremely useful in preparing you for Ofsted’s high expectations on this crucial aspect of safeguarding, especially aspects relating to keeping pupils safe online. We will provide you with a confidential report detailing a summary of your pupils’ responses following analysis of the data.

The survey supports the growing community of schools who have achieved or are working towards the Safe at School Anti-Bullying Award. The award is our flagship approach to raising standards and recognising high quality anti-bullying work in schools.

If you would like further information about the online survey or Anti-Bullying Award process please contact us or visit the Salus Group website

Contact Details

Jill Allen
Telephone: 01303 817470