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2017/18 EduKent Services: Important information

Important information from EduKent regarding Services, Packages and Price Changes.

EduKent is pleased to announce that a number of our Services have now been improved, with new additional and relevant content, greater levels of support, and in some cases, Services have developed and added brand new suites of e-learning products for schools.

Alongside these changes we are reviewing our pricing to ensure we can continue to invest in new products whilst also remaining competitive and delivering the best possible value to schools. Over the last few years our costs have continued to increase whilst during the same period our prices for a number of Services have remained static throughout. As a result of this review, EduKent is giving customers advance notice that price changes are planned for some Services from 1 April 2017. Services that are changing their pricing/content include:

  • Kent Educational Psychology
  • School Financial Services
  • KCC Excepted Items for Special schools
  • Governor Services
  • The Outdoor Education Unit

For more information please visit the EduKent website

We are firmly committed to delivering the greatest possible value. When compared to the external market, the improvements and enhancements which have been made to the EduKent Services ensure that we continue to offer an excellent and diverse range of in-demand products at highly competitive prices.

Special schools within the Excepted Items scheme will be written to separately. EIS, SPS and Kent-Teach will be communicating directly to relevant customers about any price changes (excluding those on fixed price contracts).

The package prices for all other Services will remain at the 16/17 rates. Please note: Unless you write in or email us before 1 December 2016 all packaged services will automatically be rolled forward into the new financial year starting 1 April 2017.

Please see EduKent’s Terms and Conditions

If you have any queries relating to your package(s) please contact the EduKent team at, who will be happy to help you.

After Christmas further announcements will be made for a number of new products becoming available from April 2017. Three examples of new products coming soon are:

  1. Management Information: Data to support school improvement, providing a range of vital analysis and data reporting unavailable anywhere else
  2. Emergency Planning Training Courses: Specific Training modules for important emergency planning for schools in Kent to work alongside the guide
  3. Skills and Employability: An English and Maths diagnostic tool and a CEIAG platform with a focus on improving progression for Kent’s young people (14-19 years; 24 for SEND).

Keep an eye out for forthcoming notices about these exciting new developments.