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2022 School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document

The 2022 School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) has now been published by the DfE.

This includes confirmation of the new teaching pay range values which are applicable from 1 September 2022.

The following changes have been applied to the national pay frameworks:

  • 5% increase to:
    • the minimum and maximum values for the upper and leadership pay ranges and for the minimum and maximum values for the leadership group sizes
    • the advisory points for teachers paid on the upper pay range and range for unqualified teachers where a school chooses to follow these
    • the minimum and maximum ranges for TLR and SEN allowances
  • higher increases have been confirmed for teachers in the early stages of their career as follows:
    • the starting salary of an ECT will rise by 8.9% to £28,000 as a step towards achieving a minimum starting salary of £30,000 by September 2023
    • where a School chooses to use the advisory points published within the STPCD the value of the main pay range an increase of between 5% and 8% has been applied.

Additionally, the STPCD has also been revised to reflect the additional bank holiday day in September with calculations for part time teachers being based over a 194 day (1258.5 hours) working year rather than 195 days (1265 hours)

There have been no other changes to teachers’ pay and conditions this year.

Please find the 2022 STPCD, including updated pay ranges.

Implementing the Changes

Pay Decisions for September 2022 should continue to be based on evidence of performance through the appraisal cycle for 2021/22. A review of performance should take place before any pay recommendation is made.

Schools and Academies should review their current pay policy and update the pay progression arrangements with the salary values for September 2022.

The 2022 pay award should be implemented in line with the principles for pay progression set out in the School’s 2021/22 pay policy.

Schools may wish to adopt the STPCD advisory pay points for main, upper and unqualified teachers. These are discretionary and Schools may continue to use points of different values or alternative non-points-based approaches to pay progression.

Any pay increases should be backdated to 1 September 2022.

Local Authority Advice to Kent Maintained Schools

The Local Authority expects that all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools will use the HR Connect model policy (formerly Cantium Business Solutions) as the basis for their school pay policy.

It is recommended that Schools carefully consider the financial affordability implications of any pay progression decisions. We are not expecting any further funding for schools from Government to pay for this increase, with pay increase expected to be covered within a school’s core budget funding. Consideration should be given to the implications for both the current financial year and future years.

Where a School does not follow the advisory points and continues to use alternative models for pay progression – they will need to carefully consider how to manage pay progression over the next two years to ensure they are able to achieve the £30,000 minimum starting salary for teachers which the government has pledged to implement by September 2023 whilst also allowing for meaningful and proportionate rates of pay progression for teachers paid above the minimum value.

Further Information

Schools may wish to refer to the recent free Teachers Pay Update webinar produced by HR Connect - for further guidance on the management of teachers pay.