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A special winter offer for schools from Bore Place

Bring the curriculum to life with a visit to Bore Place.

Special offer for winter school visits 

20% discount on day visits taken before 9 February 2018.

Book here

The organic dairy farm, vegetable gardens and kitchen make Bore Place an ideal setting for your pupils to immerse themselves in hands-on activities lead by our experienced tutors. Where better to learn about food and farming while developing critical thinking and valuable life skills.

All visits include a farm tour and an opportunity to meet the newly-born calves!

Learning outside the classroom is a great way to enrich topics covered in school. Teachers can choose from our fantastic selection of programmes or get in touch to plan a bespoke visit to match your learning requirements.

“The visit complemented the work we were doing at school as our topic was Food. The children really loved making the food.” Teacher, Thomas Fairchild Community School

A Little Ren Hen Day

Follow the story of the Little Red Hen and grind grains of wheat into flour for bread-making, and plant a seed to take home. (KS1 and 2)

A Field to Fork Day

Visit our organic dairy farm and get into the kitchen garden to learn about how food is produced and the journey from the soil to the dining table. Bake a delicious bread roll to take home. (KS1 and 2)

A Winter Dairy Day

Meet the herd of organic dairy cows and then get making and baking in the kitchen to produce some tasty soda bread and butter or pancakes for lunch. (KS1 and 2)

A Fair Trade Day

Through cooking and critical thinking activities explore the theme of global food production. Make pancakes, choose toppings and blind taste chocolate to see if fair really is best. (KS2 and 3)


We now also offer residential visits for schools too. Stay for one night or two and choose from a variety of activities to create an engaging and memorable trip for your pupils.

Activities include:

  • seasonal cooking
  • gardening
  • night walks
  • farm tours
  • minibeasts and habitats
  • survivor challenge and more.

To book, contact Becky Baldock by emailing or by calling 01732 463255 and quote winter offer.

Visit the Bore place website for more information.

Contact Details

Becky Baldock
Telephone: 01732 463255