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A Tool For Change

Understanding the lived experience of children who have been supported by social services.

Thank you to all who have signed up for this exclusive training for Kent schools.  Please can we urge you to extend the invitation for this training to all of your Senior Leaders and governors within your school. Your collective voice will empower a positive narrative for your staff, stakeholders and young people. Together you will make a difference!

If you or your teams haven’t signed up for this training, there is still time! The Care Leaders are facilitating training to all staff to understand the lived experience of children who have been supported by social services. It’s free for all education settings that teach Kent children!

Register your interest here

The virtual training is a series of six sessions, each between 60 to 90 minutes and follow the lived experiences of young people from birth to adulthood. The training offers theory and practice-based skills and explores real life experiences to help staff better understand their young people. These include; transitions and how to support young people and their families through them; adverse childhood experiences and how they impact behaviour, development and learning; and how to use the PACE model (Playful, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy) to build relationships with young people and enhance their ability to learn. We have included the training brochure (PDF, 1.5 MB) for more information.

Meet Luke and hear about why this training is so important

If you have any queries regarding this training, please contact