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Armed Forces Children's Voice Conference

17 June 2018 at Duke of York’s Royal Military School, Dover.

Following on the great success of previous events, we are holding a fourth conference for children of armed forces personnel. The children who have attended in previous years have given us overwhelmingly positive feedback - examples of comments they made included:

  • You have helped me face my fears
  • This was a great experience
  • This was the best day ever!
  • It was a good idea to mix students as we all made new friends
  • I learned a lot about ways in which I can help others whose parents are serving
  • Thanks for inviting my school!

The event also provided KCC and schools with information about what service children say are their challenges, and how they can best be supported. The report from the first year, and short videos giving a flavour of the event, can be found on the Kent Service Children’s Voice Conference website

The conference is aimed at KS2, KS3 and KS4 children, and the theme this year is Supporting Service Children in Schools with Few Service Children. If you are interested in sending service children to this event, or want more information about what is involved, please contact Alice McLean on 03000 41 64 66 or email

Contact Details

Alice McLean
Telephone: 03000 41 64 66