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Art Builders 2020 Teachers Bootcamp

A series of one-day intensive masterclasses for Primary and SEN teachers to make art happen in your school.

Following the great success of Animate Arts’ Art Builders 2019 programme, the CIC is delighted to offer this series of one-day intensive masterclasses for Primary and SEN teachers across Kent.

Participation by your teachers (max. two per school) in one of the five one-day intensives will automatically give your school Art Builder 2020 status and will equip your teachers with the art skills, confidence and know-how to programme an imaginative, life-enhancing art week in your school during the month of June.

Dates and venues

Ashford: Monday 23 March 2020, 9am to 3pm
Singleton Environment Centre, Wesley School Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 5LW

Faversham: Tuesday 24 March 2020, 9am to 3pm
The Alexander Centre, Preston Street, Faversham, Kent ME13 8NZ

Rochester: Thursday 26 March 2020, 9am to 3pm
The Learning Space at Huguenot Museum, 95 High Street, Rochester, Kent ME1 1LX

Margate: Friday 27 March 2020, 9am to 3pm
Dreamland, 49-51, Marine Terrace, Margate, Kent CT9 1XJ

Hadlow: Monday 30 March 2020, 9am to 3pm
Hadlow Village Hall, Williams Field, Marshall Gardens, Hadlow, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0HQ

Animate Arts Company CIC passionately believes that art activity should be happening in classrooms across the county as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. This hands-on, one-day intensive for a specially appointed teacher, headteacher, or teachers, will give your school the creative skills to do just that.

Art Builders 2020 Bootcamp for teachers will:

  • Give your teachers quality art skills to take back to the classroom
  • Offer lots of low-cost ideas for art activities which can be implemented immediately
  • Build your teachers’ confidence and know-how to programme art weeks in your school
  • Show how art activity can be introduced at all levels, and in all areas of the curriculum
  • Inspire your teachers with an understanding of the power of creativity on young minds
  • Equip your teachers to lead and support other staff in making art happen in the classroom.

With the new Ofsted framework focusing on rich curriculum coverage, this opportunity will be invaluable in working alongside professional artists to build the skills of your staff team and evidencing your school's commitment to CPD.

In addition, Bootcamp supports Artsmark and Arts Award journeys, if your school is part of these programmes.

The story behind Art Builders

Art Builders 2019 was a phenomenal programme which had a huge impact on thousands of children in Kent, bringing culture to the fingertips of their learning. Pioneered by Animate Arts Company, the campaign enabled pupils and teachers to work with professional artists to make art happen in all participating Art Builder schools.

Book using Eventbrite

As an Art Builder school, you agree the following:

  • 1 to 2 teachers from your school attend the 1-day bootcamp
  • You support nominated teachers to plan and disseminate Art Builders info to staff
  • Your school pledges to programme art activity in June 2020.

Cost: £12 per teacher - maximum 2 teachers per school.

These bootcamps have been kindly funded by the generous public, schools and artists who supported Animate Arts’ #ArtBuilders fundraising campaign to make art happen in more schools across Kent. The £12 cost per teacher is a contribution to cover the costs of refreshments and lunches for all attendees.

For any further information or questions, please contact

Contact Details

Booking: Eventbrite