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Back to school means back to Wildwood

Bring your class to Wildwood and let them experience the true wonder of autumn in beautiful woodland surroundings. Book a workshop for your class today.

With the days getting shorter and the leaves changing colour, it must be that time of year again. As you get back into the swing of things at school, don’t forget that Wildwood is a fantastic place to bring your class for an immersive woodland experience this autumn.

Wildwood are pleased to announce that our admission and workshop prices will be staying the same for the coming year, so you can still visit Wildwood with your class from as little as £4.25 per child.

Wildwood have a wide variety of national curriculum-linked workshops for you to choose from to enhance your visit.

If you’re considering workshops with a spooky vibe as Halloween approaches, the Nocturnal Animals workshop explores how night-time creatures such as bats and owls find their way in total darkness, while the Skeletons workshop involves handling genuine animal bones and skulls. The Hibernation and Winter Survival workshop can help your class find out more about why some animals hibernate and explore how those animals that don't need to hibernate survive winter.

Don’t forget the Meet an Animal talks, which range from wolves to owls and rats to ravens, giving your class the chance to get up close and find out more about that particular animal. Alternatively, you could book a Guided Tour to give your class the opportunity to gain insider knowledge and ask any questions they may have.

Find out more in the Primary Schools Educational Prospectus

Prices and further information on how to book can be found on the Wildwood website.

To check availability and discuss the different options available for your visit, please email or call 01227 209 620.

Contact Details

Wildwood Trust
01227 209 620