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Barrier and facilitators to uptake of free school meals

There are many barriers to the uptake of free school meals. Many parents of school-aged children do not know their child is eligible to receive free school meals.

Adopting an auto-enrolment approach for both primary and secondary school-aged children would ensure that children who are eligible to receive free school meals would be included. Parental low confidence would affect their desire to apply for free school meals, coupled with low literacy of parents. Some families also have a sense of pride and desire to maintain independence and may also not be aware of the nutritional benefits of their child receiving a free school meal.

What can we do as a school?

There are fewer facilitators to the uptake of free school meals. Along with an auto-enrolment policy, having pro-active staff that encourage uptake and good parent-staff relationships, especially in primary schools, help with facilitation. Increasing the appeal of free school meals through offering locally sourced and culturally appropriate meals would enhance uptake. Additionally, enhancing the canteen environment by providing welcoming spaces where children can eat their meals in a sociable environment, as well as restructuring lunch periods so children do not feel rushed to eat, would encourage increased free school meal consumption.

Stigma is often believed to be a big barrier to the uptake of free school meals; however, this is mainly seen in secondary school children. It has also been reported that head teachers in secondary schools often fear appearing patronising or insulting by offering free school meals to families.

Please find information for sharing with staff (PDF, 453.5 KB) and parents and carers (PDF, 50.4 KB).