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Brand new programmes for schools at Bore Place

Bore Place has been welcoming schools for 40 years to share their 'head, heart and hands' approach to learning about food, farming and the environment.

Their programmes are designed to engage all the senses and create memorable learning experiences for schools and groups, from EYFS through to Primary to Secondary and SEND.

They are located in beautiful countryside, near to Chiddingstone in Kent and their organic dairy farm and market garden provide the perfect setting for a day visit or a residential stay with purpose-built facilities. With health and well-being high on everyone’s agenda, they have taken the best that Bore Place has to offer and created brand new programmes. These include ‘Organic Dairy’ and ‘Healthy Eating and Staying Active’, during which pupils find out about where food comes from, get active by exploring the countryside and enjoy a hands-on cooking experience to create some tasty food. All visits include a farm tour.

More details here

"Fabulous teacher who really engaged the children, activities were well organised ....very clean facilities."
Hurst Green Infant School, May 2018

Organic Dairy
Visit their working organic dairy farm, learn about the range of different foods made from milk; and enjoy baking and tasting. (KS1 and 2)

Healthy Eating and Staying Active
Good food and fresh air! Have a fun, active day on the farm, cooking healthy food and getting exercise in the outdoors. (KS2 and 3)

Organic Food and Farming
What does it mean to farm and grow fruit and vegetables organically? See how we do it at Bore Place, and use organic ingredients to make delicious and healthy apple and oat scones. (KS2)

Environmental Arts
Let nature inspire! Capture seasonal colours whilst exploring the grounds, gather natural materials to weave into a loom, and have a tour of our organic dairy farm. (KS1)

Bore place now also offer residential visits for schools too. Stay for one night or two and choose from a variety of activities to create an engaging and memorable trip for your pupils.

Activities include seasonal cooking, gardening, night walks, farm tours, minibeasts and habitats; survivor challenge and more.

To book or to find out more about any of our school programmes please contact Becky Baldock by emailing or calling 01732 463255.

Contact Details

Becky Baldock
Telephone: 01732 463255