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Brilliant Residentials

Led by teachers, co-designed with students and fully integrated into the curriculum, Brilliant Residentials have a huge impact on young people of all ages - and can help to deliver whole school change.

Many of you will know this already but the Learning Away partnership has recently conducted extensive research which has provided evidence to prove this. The results were so conclusive that they have just launched the #BrilliantResidentials campaign to get more people involved.

So what makes a Brilliant Residential?

Brilliant Residentials are school trips with at least one overnight stay, which are:

  • fully integrated with the school curriculum and ethos
  • designed and led by teachers and, where appropriate, students
  • inclusive and affordable for all students
  • deliberately and collaboratively planned to meet students’ specific learning needs, and to embed and reinforce learning back in school
  • part of a progressive programme of experiences
  • designed to include a wide range of new and memorable experiences
  • designed to allow space for students to develop collaborative relationships with both peers and staff
  • evaluated rigorously
  • supported by senior leadership and school governors.

So if you believe in the power of a Brilliant Residential as a positive force in young peoples development then pledge your support today at the Learning Away website

If this is new to you but want to know how a Brilliant Residential can improve pupil engagement and attainment then look at the stats on the Learning Awap Learner Engagement page

You will also find a tool kit that will guide you through all the steps required to take your pupils away on their first Brilliant Residential.

Adventure Kent centres were involved with the Learning Away action research right from the start. So we know exactly what goes to make a Brilliant Residential. Please get in touch with any of our centres:

  • Bewl Water Outdoor Centre, 03000 41 52 00
  • Kearsney Campsite, 03000 41 39 00
  • Kent Mountain Centre, 01286 870216
  • Swattenden Centre, 03000 41 39 00

Or visit the Adventure Kent website