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Change4Life support for Primary schools

Find out how Change4Life can support your school with free curriculum linked materials, with enhanced local support in partnership with Kent County Council.

As part of our mission to protect and improve health and wellbeing we really need your support to help improve the general health of children living in Kent.

You will already have seen the national Change4Life movement encouraging healthier eating and physical activity. You know your pupils will benefit from both awareness and encouragement to help them make positive choices with their eating and activity habits. Do you know we can also help your teachers plan their lessons, use healthy eating and activity tool-kits with curriculum linked materials and inspiration? The dedicated Change4Life School Zone empowers your teachers to make even more of a valuable difference to pupils’ lives.

We need every Primary school in Kent to help us motivate and support families and children, so we are asking all of our head teachers to nominate a teacher to represent their school and work in partnership with us at KCC. Please ask your nominee to complete the online form to join the movement and receive access to lots of free and fantastic resources and support.