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Changes to opt-in and opt-out procedures for Teachers Pensions

We have recently been advised of a change by Teachers Pensions which affects the way opt in and opt outs are processed.

The change to the procedure is as a result of an amendment to Regulation 28 of the Teachers Pensions Scheme Regulations 2014.

Please be aware that part B of the opt-out forms now states:

Note for employer

When the application is received by Teachers Pensions within 3 months of the contract or the date of Auto Enrolment commencing, the effective date of election is the first date of employment or the date of Auto Enrolment.

When the form is received by Teachers Pensions more than 3 months after commencing pensionable employment, the effective date of election is the first day of the next month, in such cases pension contributions must have been deducted for the period prior to the opt-out.

This has also been highlighted in a recent employer bulletin which states:

Opting-out and opting-in to the Scheme

Both the opt-out and the opt-in forms have been updated to show that when the application is received by Teachers Pensions within 3 months of the contract or the date of Auto Enrolment commencing the effective date of election is the first date of employment or the date of Auto Enrolment. When the form is received by Teachers Pensions’ more than 3 months after commencing pensionable employment, the effective date of election is the first day of the next month. In such cases pension contributions must have been deducted the period prior to the opt-out.

Therefore employees need to be aware that even if an application has been signed and dated in a previous month, the election will be effective from the month following that in which Teachers Pensions received it. This means that we are unable to cease or start contributions until notification has been received by TP that confirms the effective date of the election.

If you have any queries please contact the SPS Helpdesk 03000 41 11 12.

Contact Details

SPS Helpdesk
Telephone: 03000 41 11 12