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Children's Services Update

A roundup of the latest news and information from Children's Services.

National Safeguarding Month

UK Youth has produced a set of resources and calls to action for National Safeguarding Month which starts on March 1st. It includes calls for organisations working with young people to review their safeguarding practices and pledge to improve safeguarding policies and standards. It's using #KeepMeSafe to raise awareness of the campaign.

New guidance: extended Personal Advisor to 25

Following on from the provisions of the Children and Social Work Act 2017, the Department for Education has published guidance for local authorities on extending the role of the Personal Advisor until care leavers are 25.

DfE responds to Working Together consultation

The Department for Education has published its response to submissions to the consultation on new Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance.

Social Media Enquiry

Young people want social media companies to get tougher on cyberbullying. This report contains recommendations calling on social media companies to take faster and firmer action to stop cyberbullying. The inquiry led by Alex Chalk MP heard from young people, adult industry experts, and social media companies on what more can be done to tackle cyberbullying and promote good mental health.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Very interesting article on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) and their life long impact on individuals and on society. Trauma Informed Care (TIC) helps mitigate impacts.