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Closedown Guidance Packs

There are two Closedown Guidance packs for Kent schools now on Kelsi.

The two Closedown Guidance packs are located on the Financial Returns page

One pack is for Kent schools using FMS6 and the other for Kent schools using alternative accounting packages. There is no separate Closedown pack for experienced users.

Please note that neither of these Closedown Guidance packs should be used by any school that has agreed with Schools Financial Services to be part of the Early Year End Closedown Pilot. The Closedown guidance for the Pilot Schools will be sent directly to these schools by Schools Financial Services.

The Capital Matrix, Community Focused Balance form and Year End Provisions Schedule will be available shortly.

The Analysis of Year-End Balances form, referred to in the Closedown pack, cannot be available until after the final monthly advance has been calculated for schools. This form will be made available on Kelsi prior to 31 March.

All instructions for completing the forms listed above are included in the Closedown Guidance packs.

Closedown Courses

The flyers for the Closedown courses will be sent out again to delegates attending in February 2017 as a reminder for delegates to bring along a copy of a Closedown pack to the session.

Important - year end note regarding BACS payments

Within the Introductory Notes in the closedown pack, it is strongly recommended that the first preliminary closure is undertaken after the ‘BACS’ payments have been reconciled onto a bank statement.

To clarify - you must ensure that the final BACS payment run of the old financial year is processed and reconciled either by, or on, the final bank statement used in your closedown returns (the payment date must be in the old financial year).

For further advice please contact Schools Financial Services.

Contact Details

Schools Financial Services
Telephone: 03000 41 54 15