Guidance for Full Opening in September
On 2 July the Government released guidance for the full opening of schools from September, establishing a universal framework for school leaders to put in place protective measures whilst leaving a considerable amount of flexibility for judgments to be made at school level about how best for these to be implemented. The below guidance produced by KCC and The Education People in consultation with school leaders aims to assist and support leaders in implementing these measures as well as providing information and resources specific to schools and settings in Kent. The guidance will be issued in stages below as each element is developed.
Managing Suspected and Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Childcare and Educational Settings
- Childcare and Educational Settings flowchart (PDF, 647.6 KB) - 7 September 2020
Guidance specifically for primary schools, relating to delivery of the curium in September with a Self-Evaluation Toolkit for a recovery curriculum.
- Primary Guidance (PDF, 544.1 KB) - 14 July
- Appendix 1 - Blended Learning Materials (DOCX, 56.5 KB) - 14 July
- Appendix 2 - Safeguarding advice for online learning (DOCX, 62.8 KB) - 14 July
- Appendix 3 - KCSIE Summary 2020 (DOCX, 36.8 KB) - 14 July
- Appendix 4 - Parental Engagement Guidance (DOCX, 44.7 KB) - 14 July
- Appendix 5 - School Exclusion Risks after Covid-19 (PDF, 1.8 MB) - 14 July
Secondary Schools
Guidance specifically for secondary schools.
- Secondary Guidance (PDF, 827.1 KB) - 17 July
Special School
Guidance specifically for Special Schools and settings, including Specialist Resourced Provisions (SRPs) in mainstream schools.
- Special School Guidance (DOCX, 369.0 KB) - 7 September
Emotional Wellbeing
In-depth guidance and resources to support schools to make decisions on how best to support their community’s emotional wellbeing, as well as knowing what to do if a member of the school community requires extra support.
- Emotional Wellbeing Guidance - 16 December
To inform schools about the work we are doing, identify where our plans will impact on your provision, identify actions you will need to take and outline the areas where we can work together.
- Transport Guidance (PDF, 238.0 KB) - Updated 15 July - Clarification that support staff within vehicles will also use face coverings where appropriate.
Toolkit to assist Governing Bodies and Headteachers in reviewing their safeguarding arrangements.
- Safeguarding Toolkit - Full Opening of Schools September 2020 (DOCX, 183.2 KB) - 10 July
- Being prepared to meet the differing needs of children (PDF, 108.9 KB) - 10 July
- Online Safety Guidance - Full Opening of Schools (PDF, 245.6 KB) - 10 July
Guidance for the governance of schools in relation to their full opening, including school operations, curriculum and assessment, accountability and contingency planning.
- Governance Guidance (PDF, 215.1 KB) - 10 July
Operational Guidance
Relating to Health and Safety, social distancing, cleaning and catering.
- Operational Guidance (PDF, 379.0 KB) - Updated 15 July - with additional guidance regarding cleaning and hygiene
- HR Guidance (PDF, 211.8 KB) - 17 July
- KCC Client Services COVID-19 Catering Guidance and Risk Assessment (PDF, 279.8 KB) - 10 July
- KCC Framework School Meals FAQs (PDF, 108.1 KB) - 10 July
Key Contacts
If you have further questions, please contact the relevant officer via the contact details below.
Area Education Officers
- North Kent - Ian Watts - 03000 41 43 02 -
- South Kent - Celia Buxton - 03000 421415 -
- East Kent - Marisa White - 03000 41 87 94 -
- West Kent - Nick Abrahams - 03000 41 00 58 -
Senior Improvement Advisors
- North Kent - Karen Claxton - 07702 958872 -
- South Kent - Kate Wilson - 07870 558323 -
- East Kent - Mary Priestley - 07989 209804 -
- West Kent - Polly Sharman - 07795 036705 -
Secondary, Special and PRU’s:
- Siobhan Price - 07825 506613 -
- Peter Stewart - 07919 212035 -
Key links
Please find below links to other key government and useful external guidance.
- Guidance for full opening: schools
- Guidance for schools: coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Keeping children safe in education (including September 2020 update)
- Supporting children and young people with SEND as schools and colleges prepare for wider opening
- Education, health and care needs assessments and plans: guidance on temporary legislative changes relating to coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care
- Extra mental health support for pupils and teachers
- EEF: COVID support guide for schools and National Tutoring Programme