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Covid Recovery Premium January 2022 Payment

In the January schools advance we made a payment of Covid Recovery Premium which when taken with the payment already made in the October advance means schools have now received 7/12ths of their provisional allocation for the academic year.

Schools may have noted information published by the ESFA which suggests that the two payments to date are for 50% of the provisional allocations with the remainder to be paid in spring and summer. As schools have their financial year end during the academic year, the authority took the view that it would be helpful to adjust the profile of payments to schools so that they do not need to make adjustments at the year end. Schools will receive further payments in the new financial year (currently expected for the May and July school advance) which will provide additional funding to match the academic year final allocations which will be published by the ESFA.

Academies receive their covid Recovery Premium directly from the ESFA and are not affect by this. Schools which are due to convert to academies before spring have continued to be funded on the original profile as future payments will be made directly by the ESFA.