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CPD Online Courses 2017/18

From the Inclusion Support Service Kent (ISSK).

Core training: £75 (free for schools with ISSK SLA and  Medway ‘Greenshoots’ Schools)

Effective EAL intervention strategies for TAs supporting bilingual pupilsTuesday 13 December 2017
Innovation Centre Medway,
Maidstone Road, Chatham,
Kent ME5 9QP
Effective Strategies for Communicating with EAL and GRT FamiliesFriday 2 February 2018
Innovation Centre Medway,
Maidstone Road, Chatham,
Kent ME5 9QP
SEN/EAL identificationFriday 2 February 2018
Innovation Centre Medway,
Maidstone Road, Chatham,
Kent ME5 9QP
Supporting Newly Arrived Pupils with English as an Additional LanguageMonday 5 February 2018
Innovation Centre Medway,
Maidstone Road, Chatham,
Kent ME5 9QP
Developing mathematical language for EAL learners in PrimaryWednesday 7 February 2018
Innovation Centre Medway,
Maidstone Road, Chatham
Kent ME5 9QP
Promoting British Values  through the curriculumTuesday 27 March 2018
Lenham Community Centre,
4 Church Square, Lenham,
Maidstone ME17 2PJ

Coming Soon - please register your interest with Gillie Heath on 03000 41 70 93

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils: raising achievement and inclusion

Recording, addressing and preventing racist incidents

The Equality Act and schools

EAL Coordinators: Supporting Children with English as an Additional Language

Family Learning

Accredited training: Charged to all schools

Supporting Gender Variant children and Trans young people in schools and settingsMonday 29 January 2018
Oakwood House Hotel, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8AE£75
Talking Partners1 and 22 March 2018
Oakwood House Hotel, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8AE
Lunch included
£335 for both days including £75 Talking partners resource pack
English as an Additional Language in the Early YearsTuesday 13 March 2018
Oakwood House Hotel, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8AEKent LA: £70
Other LA/Academy: £110
Independent/PVI: £70
English as an Additional Language in the Early YearsTuesday 12 June 2018
Oakwood House Hotel, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8AEKent LA: £70
Other LA/Academy: £110
Independent/PVI: £70

Coming Soon - please register your interest with Gillie Heath on 03000 41 70 93

Proficiency in English: accurately assessing levels for school census January 2019

Eliminating homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and promoting LGBTQ inclusion

View the ISSK CPD Online courses 2017/18 flyer (DOCX, 118.4 KB)

Contact Details

For further information contact Gillie Heath
Telephone: 03000 41 70 93