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Crowdfunding Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Need funds for your Platinum Jubilee Celebrations?

If you’re planning a street party, a community event or any sort of get-together and you need funds to deliver it, why not crowdfund your celebrations on Spacehive?

We’ve created a special Jubilee Crowdfunding Guide to help you get started. Our team of experts will be on hand to help you with permissions and licenses, and you may even be able to tap into our network of local funders who can pledge to your campaign.

It's easy to get started!

  1. Create your crowdfunding page on Spacehive (follow the steps in the guide to make sure you are set up correctly)
  2. Set your crowdfunding target (we recommend no more than £2,000 so you have enough time to get the funds in time for the bank holiday weekend)
  3. Submit your project for verification (our experts will check you are set up properly so you can start fundraising a few days later)
  4. Set your campaign to run until the end of April (or sooner)
  5. Crowdfund! (get the word out - it's up to you to attract the pledges you need from friends and neighbours)
  6. Receive your funds (if you hit your target the funds will be transferred to you in early May, giving you time to purchase all the items your need for your Platinum Jubilee Celebrations).

If you're planning something different to commemorate the occasion (perhaps some public art or a performance piece) simply fill out this form and we can advise on the easiest way to crowdfund it.

Set up your Spacehive account and start preparing your crowdfunding campaign.

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